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Don’t skip your broccoli. It can prevent blood clots and stroke; study states

Broccolis have the reputation of not being liked much by everyone. Even after being helmed as one of the healthiest green vegetables to be added to the daily diet, broccoli is not really enjoyed or loved by people. However, we should have listened to our parents when they asked us to have this veggie in our daily diet – a recent study conducted by scientists from the Heart Research Institute in Australia states that sulforaphane – a compound found in this vegetable can revolutionise stroke prevention and treatment.
Stroke is a condition where the blood blow to the brain is disrupted, that can lead to permanent disability or death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, thousands of people suffer from stroke every year – this is majorly due to the disruption of blood flow in the brain, known as ischemic stroke.
ALSO READ: Health benefits of consuming superfood Broccoli
However, the recent study can revolutionise the way we take care of our health to alleviate the risk of strokes. The study states that broccoli has a natural compound that can reduce the risk of having blood clots and can also enhance the effectiveness of existing medications used in treating blood clots. Hence, consuming broccoli every day can significantly bring down the risk of strokes.
ALSO READ: Exposure to broccoli sprouts protects against colitis in bowel disease: Study
Study lead researcher Dr. Xuyu Liu, of the Heart Research Institute, in a media release, said that usually a patient with ischemic stroke is given tissue plasminogen activator – however, it is successful only in 20 percent cases. But when the patient is treated with broccoli-derived compound in addition to the medication, it can increase the rate of success to 60 percent. Usually blood-thinning compounds have the side effect of bleeding which is not associated with this natural compound. The study also hinted at a new, broccoli-derived preventative and anti-clotting treatment for preventing blood clots and strokes.
ALSO READ: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage: How your least favourite vegetables could be great for your health
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
